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"My name is Breagha Charlton and I’m a lever harper from the West Coast of Scotland. I’ve recently graduated from the BMus in Traditional Music at the Royal Conservatoire and am currently based in Applecross in the West Highlands. I would describe my creative process as very reactive and responsive. I feel that I work at my best when I’m able to bounce off other people’s energy and gain insight into their own creative process as I continue to develop my own. Working with anam creative as part of their arts collaboration has been an amazing opportunity for me to work in this way and learn from a totally new group of people and their own individual processes and mediums. I’ve been encouraged to work more openly and expressively and start creating the kind of work that I feel I really want to be creating."


"I applied for this opportunity for a number of reasons. It seemed like a great opportunity to meet and work with some new people which I feel is crucial to my own creative development. I’ve learnt a huge amount from working in this group and it’s been so beneficial to me both in terms of learning to communicate and express my ideas to other people without fear of judgement and in learning to respond more openly and freely to other people’s work. It also felt like a really great opportunity to keep doing some creative work after graduating. The 'arts collaboration' project has kept me more engaged and structured with my creative life while a lot of my environment and day to day life has changed in the last few months."



"This is the first time I’ve recorded myself and started to experiment with mixing and editing my own music. I’ve also been able to think about my music more conceptually and work with intention and feeling. I started experimenting with visual art and video, especially doing some stop animation which I’ve wanted to do for ages and has been so so exciting."



"I would love to see more projects like this one with different groups of people being offered. It’s been such a good learning opportunity for me and I think that this format of working collaboratively and in response to others is a really good one. I would love for us to be able to offer workshops both with people studying creative courses or starting to work professionally in the creative industry and with groups of people who might not be given the opportunity to express themselves otherwise." 

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