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collaborative projects

eco collab (funded by creative scotland)

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Jacob Reid is a musician, songwriter and producer born in Belfast. When moving to Morayshire at a young age, Jacob was inspired to learn the guitar, composing experimental forms of music and taking a creative approach to his instrument - using a fiddle bow to play and using looping feedback with pedals. Since moving to Glasgow, his interests have expanded in tandem with his skills. Jacob now uses voice and piano, exploring jazz harmony and producing on Ableton. Jacobs music elicits a sense of space and ethereality, utilising artefacts of the styles and sounds he consumes while finding a balance between method and intuition based approaches to music making.

jacob reid

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annie donaldson

Annie considers her sculptural practice to be a form of ~non~sense and world making, informed by principles of political and material ecology and ecosophy. Her work questions how we might live in better dynamism and more responsively with the ecosystems whose pulse is also somewhat our own.

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josie ko

Josie KO (b.1998, Epsom) lives and works in Glasgow. Bringing together a kitsch DIY aesthetic full of colour and humour, KO’s work playfully presents narratives which speaks towards the Black British experience. In a white dominated environment, Josie’s work focuses on the history and experience of the black body being subject to the white gaze.

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joe weisberg

Joseph is a multidisciplinary artist whose work ranges from large installations, ongoing photography collections to sonic experiments. Joseph is currently working on two projects as a drummer for Ari Tsugi, and Um. In the eco collab, he has focused on making loop-based songs centred around storytelling using the drums, guitar, and other lying around objects.

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Rose Logan is a Traditional Scottish fiddle player from Perthshire. Storytelling is at the heart of Rose’s work which involves arranging and improvising with original and traditional material. Her writing is strongly rooted in a sense of place, drawing
inspiration from the natural environment, traditional lore and culture. She enjoys responding to and collaborating with musicians across genres, exploring a range of techniques and approaches to sound while positively challenging listeners. 

rose logan

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Adam, also known as @iammours, is a dyslexic songwriter from a small village in Aberdeenshire, now based in Glasgow.


His practice often involves singing melodic and rhythmic ideas into Ableton, looping them, and turning those ideas into different instrumentation. Adam experiments with tape, drum machines, sequencers, and other unusual gadgets.

adam strachan

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Douglas Tyrrell Bunge (b.1997, Highlands) is a self-shooting filmmaker whose work intertwines with music, poetry, art and narrative films (as well as some more boring videos & pictures that he takes, to pay the bills). His work's main influence is always the source material, whether that be the song, poem, piece of work or story, the film is a translation of that, whether that be through direct influence or his own interpretation. His practice began while growing up in the North West of Scotland, having a lot of time and space on his hands, and influenced by a family who always used imagery as a way of figuring things out.

douglas tyrrell bunge

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Dawn Kelso is a Glasgow based artist who’s practice investigates themes of home and heritage, exploring the relationship between land, community and making in Scotland. With a background in fashion design and current focus on textiles, Dawn uses natural, handmade and found/foraged materials to make work that blurs the boundaries between design and fine art practice; taking inspiration from traditional crafts and folk practices to be critical of our disconnection to nature and asking us to slow down, be still and meaningfully create. During the eco collab Dawn has explored jewellery making, sculpture, visual art and printed textiles.

dawn kelso

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Shanine Gallagher (she/her), is a Scottish-Filipino documentary filmmaker from the Highlands, based in Glasgow. Shanine's projects are based around lived experiences, human relationships and involve working with non- professional actors. Her work is influenced by her rural upbringing which has been a key theme and source of inspiration throughout these projects as well as the exploration of belonging.

shanine gallagher

Shanine Gallagher (she/her), is a Scottish-Filipino documentary filmmaker from the Highlands, based in Glasgow. Shanine's projects are based around lived experiences, human relationships and involve working with non- professional actors. Her work is influenced by her rural upbringing which has been a key theme and source of inspiration throughout these projects as well as the exploration of belonging.

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Fraser MacBeath is a multidisciplinary artist, composer and field recordist from the Isle of Lewis. He works primarily with Scottish archive material and field recordings he collects throughout rural Scotland. Using these to create installations, abstract films, soundscapes and music which weave past and present, evoking reflections on memory, place, culture and the relationship between tradition and modernity.

fraser macbeath


bury (h)eal nella is a british-jamaican vocalist and sound/space/sculpture maker based in glasgow. bury's practice hosts contemplations on the intersections of dub/punk/folk universes and investigations into the self, collective, sonic, bodily, ancestral. often found exploring the creation of vocal, visual disruptions and distortions in relation to embodied grief, slipping, sliding, churning through corridors of colliding temporal dimensions.

ruby allen is a british-jamaican vocalist and sound/space/sculpture maker based in glasgow. bury's practice hosts contemplations on the intersections of dub/punk/folk universes and investigations into the self, collective, sonic, bodily, ancestral. often found exploring the creation of vocal, visual disruptions and distortions in relation to embodied grief, slipping, sliding, churning through corridors of colliding temporal dimensions.

ruby allen

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Rory Green is a sonic artist and music producer from the Campsies, north of Glasgow. He works predominantly with digital audio workstations and modular and hardware synthesizers. His work tends to centre around Scottish wildness, mimicking atmospheres in rural settings that mean a lot to him, and their increasing vulnerability. He tries to imagine audio circuitry as organismic and builds musical systems that work in similar ways to naturally occurring phenomena. 

rory green

music collab (funded by youth music)

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Duncan is a producer and artist from Glasgow whose current project ‘D0nc4n’ channels and exaggerates pop, alternative and experimental influences. He intends to balance vulnerability and lightness and to sport a sound that never remains steeped in any one genre. Although his recording process is relatively solitary, a thread of interaction runs through the project in borrowed quotes, sampling or field recording- small lyrical tokens and melodies found in everyday exchanges.


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Marcus Frame, 22 year old musician and producer from the vibrant city of Glasgow. From 'James Jamerson’ to ‘Little Simz’, his eclectic taste enriches the music that he continues to create. Predominantly a bass/guitar player, but is also proficient in other instruments and production. He writes and produces from his flat and is keen to learn and collaborate with fellow creatives. Marcus currently works full time in order to subsidise his dream of becoming a professional musician and artist.

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Grace Stewart-Skinner is a clàrsach (harp) player and composer from the Highlands who has been steeped in Traditional Scottish Music her whole life. Her knowledge and sensitivity to Gaelic culture and music feeds into her work and she tries to make her compositions contemporary, while still having a traditional feel. Grace enjoys being experimental with her instrument which involves using effect and loop pedals to alter her sound.


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Finn McLean is a musician writing and playing for themselves and others, living in Glasgow. Their practice revolves around an embrace of their entire musical life - from startings in traditional Scottish music in their Gaelic primary school, teenage angst represented through an electric guitar and bad riffs, to graduating from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, studying composition and guitar.


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naafi is a songwriter, producer and vocalist working across pop, experimental and electronic genres, always looking to explore new sounds and ways of making. Alongside anam creative naafi is currently working with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra to explore classical instrumentation through an electronic lens.

naafi is a songwriter, producer and vocalist working across pop, experimental and electronic genres, always looking to explore new sounds and ways of making. Alongside anam creative naafi is currently working with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra to explore classical instrumentation through an electronic lens.

naafi is a songwriter, producer and vocalist working across pop, experimental and electronic genres, always looking to explore new sounds and ways of making. Alongside anam creative naafi is currently working with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra to explore classical instrumentation through an electronic lens.


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Mairi Sutherland is a singer-songwriter, guitarist, illustrator and animator with a unique blend of musical and visual storytelling. Mairi enjoys exploring the connection between her music and her art, often accompanying her songs with illustrations and painted animations, further immersing her audience in the worlds she creates. Mairi's artistic journey is marked by a spirit of collaboration and growth, seeking to expand her skill set through creative partnerships and exploration of new artistic horizons.



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Zoe Kravvariti's practice is born through a need to be vulnerable. She consistently explores the themes of understanding emotions, figuring out ways of communicating them. She delves into the burdens of femininity on the female body, often returning to these topics as recurring aspects of her artistic expression. Her work relies on experimentation and combining mediums. Most recently, Zoe has explored video performance, drawing, writing and the use of her own body. Her intention is to create work which is interactive and acts as a safe space where the hidden, unspoken and forbidden emotions find a place to call home. 

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Heather Allan is a graphic designer based in central Scotland. She studied at Glasgow Clyde College and works in both static and animated design. Heather designed anam creative’s current logo with the support of the First Port Start It Fund. The design explores fluidity and morphosis, representing anam’s interdisciplinary focus.

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